SAfxit? How South Africa’s economy can lead us to Greece-like slavery

By RICHARD POPLAK — SAfxit: a neologism that describes the South African economy being shot out of the global economy’s bottom, spinning into the...

The real reason Numsa was expelled

By: Mphumzi Maqungo Cosatu had to get rid of a union with policies that exposed the fact that it was more in line with...

The poverty of reports on the wealthy

By Dewald Van Rensburg Johannesburg – Wealth reporting has become a thing. Headlines tell us the world’s superrich are multiplying, especially in the developing...

What lies in store for Zimbabwe when Robert Mugabe goes?

  By Dumisani Muleya, Trevor Ncube — Who will succeed Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe? This has been the most important question within Zanu-PF and in...

Home Affairs ‘is lying’

BIANCA CAPAZORIO — Although the Department of Home Affairs claimed new visa regulations were needed to protect tens of thousands of children who were...

SA’s secret Iran deal

A veil of secrecy surrounds the shipping of 13 metric tons of South African gold to Iran. Iranian media last week announced the country...

Algerian women with HIV suffer ‘double punishment’

Like many women in Algeria infected by their husbands with HIV, 30-year-old Sihem is a victim twice over, living with her disease and suffering...

‘Visa laws have cost tourism R1.6bn’

South Africa has lost about R1.6-billion in direct spending from overseas tourists – the worst decline in more than two decades – according to...

The South African Food Sovereignty Campaign (SAFSC) Website Launch

The South African Food Sovereignty Campaign (SAFSC) website will be launching soon. In anticipation of the launch we have prepared a short video promoting...

Radioactive city: how Johannesburg’s townships are paying for its mining past

By Oliver Balch — Much of the waste from 600 abandoned mines around South Africa’s largest city is piled high next to residential communities....

Marikana reflects the accountability deficit of Zuma’s administration

By MMUSI MAIMANE The Marikana massacre is the one of the greatest tragedies in the history of democratic South Africa. The scenes we witnessed...

The South African Communist Party

‘Meeting the challenges facing the trade union movement’ The first section presents a synopsis of the historical relationship between the Communist Party and the...