Launch of the SADC and Namibia BIG Reports

The following two research reports form part of a research project that SPII have undertaken over the past two years with funding support from the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA).
The objective of this project, through a review of social cash transfer programmes is to provide a Civil Society learning context for a review of universal basic income, or a Basic Income Grant, as a tool for social protection for all, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 5 and 10 specifically, and the other goals generally.
This report consolidates existing knowledge of BIG pilots and the policy formation dynamics for social protection policies within the SADC region in order to argue for a comprehensive roll out of these programmes.
The report presents critical reflections on the BIG process, the likelihood of implementation, and the significance of the rollout of the BIG in the Namibian context. The report does not document the BIG process extensively, nor does it delve into the debates on the concept of the BIG. However, it is relevant in the context of discussion on social protection in Namibia, since it is considered as one of the most comprehensive on the continent.