Mechanisms, funding and state capability for poverty and inequality reduction (post-Covid) in South Africa | Friday 6 August 11h00

Mechanisms, funding and state capability for poverty and inequality reduction (post-Covid) in South Africa | Friday 6 August 11h00

Mechanisms, funding and state capability for poverty and inequality reduction (post-Covid) in South Africa

Friday 6 August 11h00

Please be advised that the recording of the webinar on “Mechanisms, funding and state capability for poverty and inequality reduction (post-Covid) in South Africa” held last Friday 6 August at 11h00 can be accessed here.


Feel free to share the link with those that would be interested in the discussions.


If you have not already done so, just a reminder of the opportunity to evaluate the webinar. Please follow this link:


Lastly, should you want to view the webinars discussed during the event herewith the links to access the individual recordings:


What to do to reduce poverty and inequality? (held 10 May 2021)

How to fund interventions to reduce poverty? (held 10 June)

What must be done if the state is to be capable of poverty and inequality reduction? (held 22 July)

The webinar link - Programme & webinars detail - Mechanisms, funding and state capability for poverty and inequality reduction - 6Aug2021 

Again, thank you for your interest and participation! Have a good day.



Contributed by Nadia Algera, Programme Officer: Environment and Energy

Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)

Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute